Saturday 13 June 2020

Without Words

Locked up.
A prison for myself.
Views and opinions
Exponentially increasing,
Multiplying beyond
My ability to control.

I scroll onward,
Prejudices confirmed,
Peace disturbed,
Mind not working;
The world now a hell
Of undesirable things.

There are too many words;
I wish they would stop.
It's too much to take,
My life has become
A living mass of hate and division
With no respite from the wound it creates.

Of course the world is a terrible place
But is its every problem mine to own?
Your privilege is talking,
A voice replies;
Feel yourself lucky you have the option
To avoid the problems.

I withdraw;
I am just one person made from stars.

WHOSE is the guilt for the world?
What does it matter?
Why should we care?
Is it as if these problems will ever be resolved?

A deep breath
In silence;
A refusal to think
Or to calculate;
No words and
No thought.

A universe of Nothing,
It's vastness complete;
Think of it -
Oh what silence!
No screams, no shouts,
No pain.

The loudest shout fades
To zero in the vastness,
All words are lost,
Their meaning evaporates;
What, then,
Is the point of words?

Sink into the vastness,
It will absorb your pain,
There is no injustice there,
Only nothingness remains,
A vast sea beyond words
And no longer any land.

Freedom is not being forced
Into any given relations,
A place where forms of words
Carry no weight;
In silence, without thought,
We spring the trap.

Language is the house of being
Someone once said
But, if that is true,
Then I do not want to be;
Words trap us in their sticky nets
And entangle us in situated lies.

For every situation
There is a fiction
And for every fiction
A circumstance;
We swap one for another, thinking our's better:
Fool! It's the same trap!

I reimagined God
As nothing,
I saw God
As a label;
An endless impossible,
A silence.

And who is to say
This cannot be
When all that is
Is words?
Take them all away
And what do you have left?

I imagine.
But might I not
Be imagining myself,
This life?
Might not a life be
An imagining oneself?

The dreamer dreams
She wakes up,
Yet still
She dreams;
No way to break
Out of the dream.

Forget the words,
Forget all the words,
No words
Only silence,
Endless void.

The greatness,
The vastness,
The immanence
Where there should be transcendence!
I want this!

I travel in a wordless land
Without time and space?
Or is it just that here,
These concepts
Have no point anymore?


That is home,
Away from words
That create misery,

Close all the mouths,
Destroy all the pens,
Smash all the
Word processors!
Be silent, without words,
And be at peace!

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